Thursday, March 4, 2021

Its Not the Goverment.

 We live in a world where the anti-Government people think the Government, like God, is everywhere.

It isn't.

Take events that have no Government involvement lie say the decision by the company that prints Dr. Seuss books to discontinue some because of racist language or imagery.  This was a decision made by a company and ws not directed by the Government.

Similarly the change from Mr. potato Head to just Potato Head was a  business decision. If you support Capitalism you support a company's right t pursue profit which they felt would be helped by this move..  Not sure it would but it certainly generated a lot of discussion about Potato Heads.

Its a bit sad how many people attribute so much to the Government.  Some things are Government related but most are not.  Take Social Media and what they allow.

Unfortunately for many right wing people a ban on falsehoods affects them a lot.  If thye posted truthful thins it wouldn't.  Still it no Government censorship, if its censorship at all.  Refusin to publish know lies seems like a reasonable policy.

After all, Honesty is the best Policy.

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