Saturday, May 1, 2021

All atwitter?

 After a President gives a State of the Union speech to congress we see the other party give a response.

This is generally televised right after the official speech and the person selected to give it shuld represent the opposition party.  This last spokeperson was  a Republican Senator.  Oddly, they picked their only black one.

I would argue that they knew this would create a response on social media and to some extent it did, allowing them and their propaganda machine to accuse Democrats of racism.  

I don't actually know or care who went on Twitter to criticize the Senator, Twitter is a place for that sort of thing.  For all I know the trend was started deliberately as a false flag, but it could have been actual people.  Considering the Republican Party positions on Black issues in general it was an obvious thought.

Is Tim Scott a sell out?  Almost certainly.  He may honestly believe is some Republican issues, whatever those might be.  Should Twitter have stopped the trending comments about his Uncle status?  They did, but apparently not fast enough for the Republican trolls.

Does anything that happens on twitter matter?  Not really but it has assumed some sort of position in influence.  To some extent it serves as a way to get the opinios of twitter users, at least the ones that post.

Of course they may be bots, so everything is suspect.  Its no the voice of either party.

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