Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Bat or Lab Doesn't Change Our Failure to React

 In the world we inhabit we like to argue over issues that in all honesty have no real impact.  Take the origin of the Covid19 Pandemic. Everyone agrees it originated in China but was it a natural cross over  from Bats or did it escape from a lab.

If the later it would be important that the lab institute better controls to prevent any leaks in the future.  Of course they should be exercising extreme caution in any case.  However it wouldn't make much difference to the people who died from it or the millions who caught the virus.

If it originated naturally the results are the same.

Some issues might be worth exploring but they are not confined to China.  It would be naive to think there aren't bio research labs in other countries.  We count on them being secure but we realize they are subject to human error.  There have been horror stories about such events and movies resulting in the destruction of society.  Still even if this was a lab leak our response to it could have been much better.

It is interesting that the Republicans want to find someone else to blame since the response of the prior administration was so bad.  

If it was a leak it happened while they were in charge.  They want the voters to blame China and ignore the failure to deal with the issue.  I think voters know better.

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