Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Don't Let the Lies Go Unchallenged!


I've seen a few stories recently about how people in interviews are confronting people spreading big lies about the virus, the last election, cancel culture and the critical race theory.  I think everybody should speak truth to lies.

Too many times we allow liars to frame the discussion by posing a question based on a false assertion.  Much of the time they don't even know what they are arguing about. 

They attack phrases without trying to define them.  For example the best explanation of critical race theory is that there is no such thing as race and we are all the same.  Now the implications of that can be discussed and if that is true differences by "race" are cultural nor biological.  To Republicans this seems to imply that they are arguing blacks are being elevated.  Well to the same status as everyone else.  The part of the theory they don't like is that the differences are the result of racism.  They have told their base it elevates non-whites.  Well saying we are all the same only elevates them if the theory is true.

Call them out as liars and fools.  The more they are exposed the more they will start to wither.  They need to focus on serving America not fighting for racism or big business to everyone else's detriment.

Don't let the lies go unchallenged.  Correct them with facts.  They won't argue on that basis.

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