Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Cultural Wars or Racism?

 There are a long list of things used as red flags by certain media to inflame the public or are least certain portions of it.  The tactic requires that certain issues tie into an US vs them narrative and them is the enemy.

Now once in a while there might be a real issue but it generally is pretty insignificant except for the media hype. It seems like they scan every local bit  of info to find things that fit their narrative about the "attack" on "us".

Of course it helps if you can identify the bad guys by a clear divider.  The Nazis used anti-Semitism to define the enemy.   In this country anti-Semitism is part of the mix but it has expanded to include various minorities.  The underlying theme used is that the real Americans are being used and abused by these groups who are taking over the country.

They have fooled the liberal establishment who can't see how real Americans are suffering.

So any action that calls out racist behavior or tries to correct a past injustice is fuel for their fire.

Do both sides do this?  I suppose to some extent, but it seems like one side has put all their eggs in the one basket since actual policies are in short supply.

So we have a lot of people who exhibit racist behavior under this disguise to the group but not against any individual.  So of course they aren't racist.  They might even have black friends after all.

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