Thursday, May 13, 2021

The New Guillotine

 Its pretty ironic that the group that adopted the mantra of fake news is so enamored of actual fake news.  Completely fake and demonstrably fake information is spread around and believed or at lest accepted.  Based on various reports, the rabid group that believes in things like QAnon or other wild theories that actually say people are being lied to, have their lies accepted.

Now people who actually know better have been cowed into supporting these lies because we have a system where radicals who show up can "primary" people out of existence, the real cancel culture.  Unfortunately because of the divisive nature of our politics, in many places being nominated by the right party is as close to a guarantee to get elected as we can imagine.  So winning the primary is enough and primaries don't get that many voters, so easily won by an organized group.

To avoid a primary you have to appease the mob.  Its a bit like the scenes I imagine from the French revolution where the revolutionary court would convict reactionaries on mere denunciations of past behavior and sentence them to the Guillotine.

Our Primary system is the new Guillotines and it is keeping the sheep in line.

Party loyalty isn't the issue, loyalty to an insane concept about the election is.

Its a shortsighted vision that is likely to come crashing down.

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