Sunday, May 23, 2021

In the News but Not an Issue

 We live in a big country.  Lots of people, lots of places and lots of different opinions.

Most of our institutions do the best job they can but they are run by people who sometimes interpret things in odd ways.  So for example, in one school district they may not follow proper flag etiquette or maybe they don't allow certain symbols on clothing or pins thet consider divisive.

This is really not new, people have been at the helm since they started but what is essentially a very local matter often gets escalated into a national news story.

When it does, it might be interesting or even entertaining but it only represents how the people at that institution reacted to a particular situation unless of course it is a trend of some sort.

So an ultra conservative school bans certain female attire because it distracts the boys might be an issue for that school board but it has very little to do with anyone else, not doing the same thing.  On the other hand a school may decide to ban certain pins from school pictures to promote unity it is still a local issue.

Of course since schools are public institution, these situations can end up in the courts but any decision is hardly ground breaking.  

Sometime the local official is just wrong.  He or she being wrong should be dealt with locally.  It doesn't mean very much at all, although the way the media grabs these stories you might think it does.

We live in a very public age that escalates first and asks questions later.

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