Friday, May 7, 2021

More Ornery Than Gullible

 What would it take to convince you that the world as you know it was lying to you. So you couldn't trust the media or most everybody  except for a few people who told you about the deception.

I would want to see significant convincing evidence.   I don't think a reality TV star and  an anonymous person pretending to be an insider hiding as a letter.

So why are so many people convinced?  I doubt they are.  They may support some of the agenda but they aren't stupid enough to believe all these lies.

Yes they have issues they would like changed and some of them would be impossible to please, they are just anti everything but do they believe all this crap?  I don't believe many believe much of it.

You have fellow travelers as we used to call them who have one issue that leads them.  Some are so anti-abortion that anyone who takes their side gets their support.  Others are simply white supremacists' who will support anyone who is anti minority.  Others blame the liberal establishment that may or may not exist for their economic and social issues.  I'm sure there are some other groups involved.

I would argue almost none of them, or at least none of their leadership believes most of the lies.  However, they believed that the last guy was on their side (another big lie) and therefore support him.  What might make them happiest is how unhappy this seems to make the people they oppose. 

It would have faded by now except some media keep it going for profit.

They fan the flames is search of viewers and profit.  They need ornery people, it pays.

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