Friday, May 28, 2021

Some Things Are Still Unknown, So?

 Early mankind looked at the world and really didn't understand much of it.  The fact that the sun seemed to rise every morning and set every evening was clearly something that seemed regular and controlled so it had to be the result of active intervention.

For many of these things which we now understand he invented Gods, in fact you might just think of Gods as the forces of nature in early thinking.

Our history is essentially the history of understanding and controlling these events which at first seemed magical but which are now explainable.  Of course some of us cling to the magical explanation, it is less work and equalizes the playing field in many ways.

In todays world the majority of us prefer science and reality to mystic explanations but those who believe the mystic side are hard to dissuade.  There will probably always be some things we don't understand even when we can observe them.  Some quantum experiments are not explainable but predictable.  

However the unexplainable doesn't negate all the things we can explain.

Similarly a few examples of bad behavior does not mean everybody is bad.  

We unfortunately live in a world where the sensational is more popular than the mundane.  Claiming the world is controlled by a secret society is much more interesting than saying it isn't.  When those who claim it is get the rest of us to prove it isn't its a logic trap.  

Proving a negative is often impossible, especially if you don't trust the people doing the explanation.

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