Thursday, May 20, 2021

Good Governance

 The country is starting to return to normal and for the Republicans this is unacceptable.  They want the administration to fail.  They keep trying to raise an issue that works.

They tried the border but while there were some issues that needed to be handled, they were being handled.

We also had the claims about Hunter Biden but no one cared.

As far as Covid goes, they tried every aspect, its a hoax, its a threat, its an attack on civil liberties,its all political and a few others.  Nothing worked really except among their core followers.

The denied the election was legitimate and now they deny they did that.

The Stock market was going to crash but it didn't.  It still goes up and down like it always has but has generally done well under the new administration.

We had an inflation crisis that almost no one noticed last month.  We also had an unemployment crisis.

What we are actually seeing is what I like to call good governance.  As issues arise that need to be dealt with, the administration figures out what to do and does it.

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