Saturday, May 22, 2021

Power Is Not the Goal

 What I guess the last few years have done to all of us, especially if you are over a certain age is dispel the idea that this country and its people are somehow immune to the power grabs you see in other countries.

We go from election to election and we have winners and losers but we have a peaceful transfer of power and acceptance of the results.

It was one of the things that set us apart, our commitment to our Republic and a free and open election.

Of course we knew that when the country was founded the franchise was restricted to free white male property owners who defined our first 40 years or so.  With the election of Andrew Jackson we saw the Presidency become more democratic.

He was significant in that while by the time he was elected he was wealthy, he didn't start that way.

Our history since then has been the inclusion of Americans of all sexes, all races and all origins.  Until recently when we see a campaign to restrict the votes of certain people.

This was tried before, fairly successfully after reconstruction as black voters faced onerous restrictions.  It seemed like that problem was solved but it is back again.

In addition there has been a concerted effort at the state level to control who gets elected by gerrymandering the districts to favor certain voters.

This attempt led to the last President and when he lost we saw the petulant reaction.

My belief in my fellow Americans is not really shaken but I do think that a certain number is more interested in gaining power than doing good.

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