Monday, May 17, 2021

Did Elvis Die?

We are fast approaching memorial day and the summer yet for some reason much of the country is still obsessed with the last presidential election and of course Covid19.  

 The country is awash is skeptics who don't believe the Government because they have been sold on a list of conspiracy theories and fake news accusations.

The bigger issue isn't that they believed these things originally but that they keep believing them although the proponents haven't actually provided any evidence.  They have provided wild accusations and the promise that everything will be revealed in the future.  

What are they waiting for?

We live in an age where too many people have too much time on their hands. There was a time when people spent most of the waking hours trying to make a living and not trolling the internet..

We always had gullible people in this country and everywhere, but they were tricked by evangelical preachers and snake oil salesmen.  Now they listen to people on cable news or the internet willingly.  

I suppose over time this big lie will fade and we will move on to the next one.

We could always resurrect the one about Elvis.

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