Monday, May 24, 2021

I'm Drinking My Coffee

 I woke up today in this beautiful country with the sun shining and birds singing.  If I didn't read the  news it would seem like everything was wonderful.

now I realize that in many ways I'm pretty fortunate.   First I'm white which allows me the privilege of not being afraid.  I could get in my car and drive anywhere in this country without incident.  If I was pulled over  for a Traffic infraction I would expect it to be an inconvenience, not life threatening. 

Second I have health insurance and I`m relatively secure financially.  I never got Covid19 and I m fully vaccinated.

Then I read the news and i realize how bad things really are.  We seem to be engaged in a battle between good and evil where each side wants to destroy the fabric of this country.  Its pretty hard to decide who is on which side unless they tell you.  One group wants less Government but wants the Government to tell women what they can do with their bodies.  Another group claims to want better democracy but wants to put hurdles in the way people vote.  It seems that the same people who thought Covid was a hoax believe it originated in a lab in China.  Some want to explore for more oil and gas despite all the scientific evidence of climate change.  

We have racism or we don't. (think we do).  We have some people violating the laws of God and of course we have quite a few versions of those laws.  Apparently some people won't go back to work because they get an extra $300 a week in unemployment.  We ahve crumbling infrastructure which needs to be fixed but apparently not all of it.  We need to build the tools we need for our future carbon neutral world or we don't.

All of this seems to go on and on so I stopped reading took by coffee and enjoyed it while I listened to and watched the birds busily taking care of their next generation.  That goes on and on also.

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