Sunday, May 30, 2021

Changing the Rules is Easier Than Getting Votes.

 The math is simple, you can win an election by getting more people to vote for you or by keeping people from voting for your opponent.   Its pretty clear that lacking an agenda that appeals to all Americans the Republicans want to limit who can vote to their supporters.

They view this as letting real Americans decide elections and real Americans happen to be, in their minds, white Americans who ran the country for much of our history.

They still do largely, but there are a lot of American citizens who are diverse.  They might be descendents of former slaves or immigrants but they are Americans who should have the right to participate in our Democracy.

Now for various reasons they are less likely to be as established as white voters and might not be as able to interpret the rules as easily.  Further it is also almost certain that their areas will be allocated less money and less voting places.

You can tell yourself that anyone who follows the rules can vote, and to some extent that is true.  It is also true that those who will have the most trouble will be the poorest and least educated among us.

It is a undemocratic and short sided approach that might not even work.  

Even if it doesn't it tells you a lot about their belief in Democracy.

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