Friday, May 14, 2021

Calling Something a Crisis Doesn't Make It One.

 Maybe its because we have so many channels or because we have lost perspective on things, but we have a tendency to call everything a crisis.

Crisis at the border was an increase in people trying to get into this country and an increase in unaccompanied minor.  It might have been a crisis for the migrants but while it was increasd workload this crisis never had much impact on America and American lives.  Not sure what made it a crisis.

We have a crisis at the gas pump because the price of gas is up a few cents. Now a year ago the price dropped precipitously because of the Pandemic shutdown but since the price is up it is nicely withing the historical trend line which indicates we see a price rise as we approach the summer.  Add the pipeline hack and the freeze in Texas and here we are.  Some people in some states apparently got panicked by the local news coverage and go on long lines to get gas.  Now that the pipeline is operating everything should return to normal fairly quickly.  It was a situation, not a crisis.

Some felt we had a voting fraud crisis. If that is/was a crisis it is only because of the reaction to the non-event.  Many states are trying to suppress the "wrong" voters" via convoluted laws.  

Inflation has been deemed a crisis by some because of a one month blip.  Some inflation is good for the economy and I think the Fed traditionally aims for 3%.  One month in the 4% range is not an indicator of hyperinflation and is not a crisis and maybe not even much of a situation.

The list goes on and the only actual crisis facing the world is the one about climate change which is real and already impacting us.  

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