Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Can We Cancel Some People?

 The trouble with cancel culture is that it doesn't seem to work. 

A fair number of people have done outrageous things, like promote an insurrection, lie continuously about the election, claim things like the BLM protests are all riots, that liberals support communism and fascism (they really claim both things) and so on and they don't seem cancelled.

This just points out we never had such a thing, its simply another conservative talking point, much like Antifa.  There are people who identify as Antifa they just aren't a subversive group, more like environmentalists.  Instead of whales they want to save democracy.

We can't even seem to cancel the my pillow guy who seems to continue thanks to Fox news watchers which is the only place he seems to advertise.  Yes there are enough of them to provide him the funds he needs to keep going even if the pillow gives them neck cramps.

In fact the only people that seem to have been hurt by cancel culture are a few liberals who felt guilty and resigned or stopped performing because of a scandal.  It hasn't really worked if you just ignore it, unless of course unless you actually broke a law.

There are a fair number of people who in my opinion should be cancelled and of course I can cancel them out of my world generally by not watching them or supporting them.  We always had this option.

Call it what you will but public opinion has been around a long time..

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