Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Majority Needs a Voice

 No matter who we elect as President there will be problems.  It is how they react to the problems that matters. The way they react should be a benefit to our country and its people.  We all get to vote, generally, but after the vote we are all equal citizens with rights and responsibilities.

There will still be differences over policies, we always face difficult choices.  Sometimes those differences might be large and other times not so much.  We of course remember that in our history the disagreement over slavery led to war and while it left deep fissures, we all managed to work together and build our modern country.

We are called the United States because we are a bunch of States who United for the common welfare.  That makes us all American, not Iowans or Arizonians or even Texans.  The way our country was conceived the people have the power.  They authorize their State to exercise some of it for them but they authorize the Federal Government to exercise some.  

I believe that if unencumbered by party vast majorities of Americans could agree to some common sense solutions.  Should everyone have access to good health care?  Should all citizens be treated equally under the law?  Should education be available to all?  Should the Government promote religion?

The answers to these questions are mostly no brainers until we see the issues twisted until they are unrecognizable.  

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