Saturday, May 29, 2021

Government Role

What do we need from our Government?

I am a firm believer that Government should take care of the common good while staying our of individuals life as much as possible.

So behavior that doesn't impact others, such as using drugs or having consensual sex shouldn't be a Government concern unless it impacts others.

Think about playing music.  Its fine but once it gets loud enough to disturb your neighbors it becomes an issue.  It would always be better if people simply worked these things out, but sometimes that doesn't work so we need Government intervention.

In modern society we are so intertwined that Government seems to be pervasive. 

Government also provides some people with power and power corrupts.  So its right to be concerned about the people running the Government.  

We need to hold it accountable but we also need to be logical.  Yes, its possible and maybe even likely that Government leaders will use their positions to profit themselves and family but they probably won't turn into monsters who drink blood.  

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