Saturday, May 8, 2021

Benefit More, not Less

If you consider the state of the world in 2021 vs 1921 there is one clear trend, it is demonstrably a more progressive place.  It hasn't been a steady progression, were still faced with the rise of fascism and communism and their atrocities and many countries have regressed for some periods of time, but colonialism is mostly gone, and most of the world now accepts some fundamental human rights.

Rights are difficult to win and hard to hold onto, but over time progressive ideas spread and as they spread they take root.  Why?  Because they are clearly better than the alternative.

Should the benefits of modern society be shared or hoarded by a few?

Should all people have the right to vote freely?

Should opportunity be something for everybody or only a few?

The answers may seem obvious but not so long ago in human history we had a legally privileged elite and everybody else.

We still have an elite and to some extent they are only there because they are rich.

That is progress but more is needed to share the benefits of the technology and science that crafted the modern world.

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