Thursday, May 6, 2021

Some Are Entitled Some Are Not

 First lets be honest, people from all nationalities, religions, race, and any other groups have some people who do bad things.

In some cases its violent, take the colonization of much of the world by Western Powers, in others its the near genocide of people in enemy tribes or nations.

The amount of damage is often related to the amount of wealth and power one of them has.

Look at the destruction that resulted from Nazis in Germany.  

What the Spanish and others did in the Americas was devastating and was mostly deliberate.

Its not like it can be reversed but it should be depicted accurately.

Columbus was hoping to get very rich, and he did, not caring about anyone who might suffer as a result.

Had he actually reached the Indies he would have tried to establish trade for Spain to compete with Portugal.  Instead he stole and ravaged the inhabitants, often with the aid of one tribe against another.

The slave trade was bad but the initial people who captured others were often locals, not western slavers.  

Guilt is plentiful.  

It is also true that disadvantaged people have significant challenges to catch up.  Many people who got to go to good schools in safe neighborhoods with adequate staffing and facilities don't consider this as entitlement.  It is clearly better than the conditions in our poorer towns and ghettos but reallocating money to fix it is reverse discrimination?  

When we saw the great migration north, when southern blacks came to get good paying jobs, the residents fled to the suburbs.  I leave it to the Sociologists to explain the great white expansion of the suburbs as the cities grew darker.

It happened.

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