Saturday, May 15, 2021

Party of No

 If some was to ask me what the Democratic party was trying t do I can list things like fight climate change, provide health coverage, reduce income inequality, fight racism and discrimination, allow woman the freedom to choose, increase educational opportunities by reducing the cost of higher education and various other things.

If asked the same about Republicans they say they want all the same things but without Government involvement.

So the question becomes if the private sector is going to do all those things, why haven't they done it?

I don't want to ignore the States which do have certain programs, but if you look into it, the States controlled by Republicans get more money from the Government than do the States controlled by Democrats/

Federal Taxes Vs. Federal Benefits: How Much Each State Gives and Gets (

This suggests and almost proves that the Democratic model seems to work better. Apparently allowing diverse people to feel comfortable in your State unlocks tremendous potential.

Republicans are mostly the party of no nowadays and what is the most logical conclusion is that they are determined to protect the current elite who support them.  To do that they have to convince others they are on their side so they support issues lke Abortion that gets them votes or white supremacy.

There was a time Republicans argued economic, not they argue cancel culture.  

There's a good reason.

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