Monday, November 30, 2020

Moderates Compromise for America

 As we await the transition on January 20 I see story after story about how either the left or the right is going to prevent or protest Biden's picks.

Well he is a moderate and most of his picks will be moderates too.  Now he is a left of center moderate so we will see a move to universal health care, a fairer tax system for the middle class, climate and environmental regulations and a move towards more social programs and less military ones.

Will any of this be extreme?

No and it shouldn't be.

We just had four year of radical nationalism where the country regressed from improving social programs and hurt health care, hurt the climate and gave billionaires a nice tax break.

The way a democracy should work is that the majority of the country prevails in what they want.

Unfortunately we have become way too partisan.

No one seems to understand the concept of compromise and negotiation where the outcome is not radical simply what is best for America.

Maybe we can relearn that?

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Lies and Treason?

 The main issue we have with our elections is how the system allows minority parties to have excessive representation.

Yes we were formed as the United States, not the United People so the constitution spreads power by state rather than population.

The Senate is the least Democratic part of the Government, at least considering voter representation.

A senator in a big state like California represents more people the both senators from 40 states.

In fact he/she represents more people than are in the lowest ten states population wise, who get to elect 20 senators.

It clearly isn't something we are going to fix since it would require the small states to give up a tremendous amount of power they now have.

There are no significant amounts of fraudulent voting and clearly the issues with uneven representation far outweigh any that might exist.

The attacks on the recent election are odd considering that in 2016 we elected someone who lost the popular vote by millions but managed to win the electoral college.  I've seen his supporters act like he was somehow victimized which indicates a level of blind loyalty that has no real place in a democracy.

Unfortunately the trends in America don't look good for the continuing of our democracy, if we can even call it that.  We now question the very basis of it when we question the integrity of the officials running it.

Its treasonous and dangerous and the public needs to realize this.

Sadly it doesn't.

Saturday, November 28, 2020


 Watching the predicted winter outbreak of Covid 19 while so many in this country have become convinced its not even a real disease is driving home the point about repeating history.

The Spanish Flu ravaged the world almost 100 years ago in much the same way.  Eventually we developed herd immunity and it passed from an extremely deadly disease to just a deadly disease.

It lives on in various mutations and we accept the flu as simply an inconvenience mostly, unless of course it kills you.

Covid 10 is deadlier but it still spares most of its victims inflicting them with symptoms or in some cases not really.  It kills a fair number but still in the low percentages and it kills our weakest members generally.

It ravaged us for a while and then seemed to quiet down as the weather improved and we ventured out where infection is less likely.  Scientists warned us that it would come back in the fall, even stronger and it has.

Still our health has been politicized as our current President tried to convince us it wasn't something to worry about.

Too many believed him and so here we are.

Even where he is not believed we see Covid fatigue where people are just tired of the restrictions.

The numbers are not convincing people and apparently even getting it and dying from it are not always persuasive.

Its real, its deadly but we are doomed to repeat stupid mistakes because we are us.

Friday, November 27, 2020


 When you look at America today there just seem to be a lot of people who feel that they've been wronged.

This seems to be fired up by certain news media that simply wants to get customers.

I gather the culprit is either the Government or Society as a whole in most cases.

We have of course people who have a legitimate complaint because they have in fact been discriminated because of something like race, sexual preference or age.  Of course this is more a societal problem that is going to be hard to fix.

Can the Government even fix it?  Probably not, it requires long held societal beliefs to change.  It has gotten better or at least less overt in many cases.

This brings us to the privileged white people, many of whom don't know they are privileged feeling oppressed by help given to the historically oppressed.  If you don't get into a school it probably isn't because you are white.

Any actual evaluation shows that white people fare better in almost everything in this country, as a group.

The historical trends show that more white children grow up in better circumstances than most black children and that impacts the rest of your life in many cases.

Consider this for a second.  A poor white child growing up next to a poor black child and both of them strive to be successes.  If they were to get the same grades, take the same courses, go to the same schools and graduate college, buy nice suits and go on job interviews, only one of them will remain identifiable just because of the color of his skin.  

It is generally not an advantage.

Thursday, November 26, 2020


 Thanksgiving is a day that allows us to appreciate the good things we have.

2020 has not been a very good year for many of us and far too many have died because of the ineffective actions of our Government.

We are seeing a change there and clearly its something the majority wanted.

Considering the virus, being alive and healthy is probably the number one thing to be thankful for.

So many have lost people they loved and unfortunately the coming months may be the worse yet.

We will of course get past this, we as a species have faced many such pestilences in the past, but we need to prepare for the next one.

Still if you are healthy and your family be thankful and enjoy the day.

Next year is almost certainly going to be better.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The Bully Puppet

Twenty-one hundred died the other day from the Trump virus. 

It is the legacy of his administration.

Not a border wall he never really built, not new trade agreements that didn't really change much, not his foreign dalliances that led to a greater nuclear threat in North Korea and Iran while turning Afghanistan back to the opium trading, women suppressing Taliban.

Perhaps something will come out of his Supreme Court appointees, but nothing is certain there.  

The two things he will be remembered for is the deadly virus he failed to adequately address and his ornery nature and tweets.

He really is almost all bluster and very little substance and the bluster was pretty effective in the phony world of Washington.

It also appeals to a certain part of the populations that fails like they are on the outside and are happy to see insiders taken down a notch or two.

However ultimately it changes nothing and accomplishes nothing.

Like most schoolyard bullies, he can't actually stand up to anyone.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Lies and Treason

 Well after an unreasonable delay the GSA director finally relased the transition money.  We treat these people like doing what they should is commendable.

We have elections and we honor them.

To do what the Trumpidiot has been doing is actually an attack on America.

He knows the elections was fine and his continued waste of time and effort to convince Americans and the courts otherwise is attacking one of our most important institutions.

It didn't succeed in the courts but apparently a certain number of his supporters actually believe the electin was rigged.

Without any proof by the way.

Further certain right wing media has taken on the cause and propagated it.

This is an attack on the States, the elected officials and our Constitution.

Very few of them are actually stupid or crazy enough to believe what they contend.

What if they had succeeded?  They would have destroyed our democracy.

This is not OK and it should not be forgotten.

Free speech is not the issue, treason is.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Its A Public Duty

 I keep reading reports about how some of the people dying of Covid-19 deny to the very end that the disease is real.  I don't know if that is dedication or gullibility.

The question I have for these people, mostly Trump supporters, is why is there hero so interested in the vaccine for this hoax?

I am a firm believer in individual liberty, however that has limitations.  You can't fire a gun if someone is in the way. Similarly, not wearing a mask is fine until you come in contact with other people.

Those other people have rights to, equal to your own.  You can't go around infecting them so either you stay alone of wear a mask in public.

You may be selfish and entitled but this is a real disease.  Public health takes priority.

Your logic would allow nudists to stroll around anywhere they want.  They don't even pose a threat to anyone.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Silver Lining

Well I see that Trump supporters in Georgia are threatening to boycott the senatorial elections if they don't switch the electoral votes to Trump.

Something good may still come out of all this, although they are probably just lying.

Its sort of what they do as followers of the most lying President ever.

He might be in the running for person.

Still the whole thing is getting more Alice through the looking glass every day.

Not sure he can keep his smile while he fades away though.

Time will tell.

Saturday, November 21, 2020


 Our biggest loser ever doesn't seem to accept that fact.

His failure to act honorably isn't new or the fact that he is tell lies is no suprise.

Still "intelligent" people who joined the Republican cult seem to be going along.

The facts are clear but what is even worse is that the allegation is so obviously made up as to be ridiculous.

Most States have significant Republican presence in Government, in fact most of the swing states have majority Republican legislatures. 

So for this wide spead conspiracy to work, they all would have to be in on it or be fools.

Further, in most states the people who count the votes have representatives from both parties participate.

So all of those people would have to be involved.

Finally the major media would all have to suppress any investigative reporter trying to make a name for himself.  

It is not credible or sensible.

Yet a majority of Republicans seem to believe it.



Friday, November 20, 2020

Some Thoughts

People are normally worried about how their actions impact politics.  Analysts are.

When people protested for Black Lives Matter they did it because it allowed them to express their outrage.  Some used it as an opportunity to loot and destroy property and while that was a small number of the total, they were able, with the help of some media to poison the water so to speak.

Did this help or hurt electing sympathetic candidates?  Probably it hurt overall but I think that is a difficult question.

If you look at the election results there is a fair amount of hand wringing over how the Democrats underachieved.  Yes we held on to the House and still have a chance at the Senate (slim but possible) and won the Presidential election fairly easily in the popular vote and by a decisive marging in the electoral college.  Still the polls indicated a blue wave which didn't materialize.

Once again the pundits will spend the next four years analyzing that but the election got a large turnout, to some extent thanks to mail in ballots.  While I believe many traditional Republicans likely voted for Biden they didn't abandon their party on the rest of the ticket.  

Each race is based on local factors and there is some evidence that too much national involvement is not a good thing and causes a reaction.  All politics are local and being attacked at the National level may backfire since it increases name recognition and the spite factor.

We have in this country strong divisions and some of that is more cultural than political.  The liberal establishment is viewed as a enemy in much of the country since they are changing America.  Some of the vote for Trump in 2016 and this year was to show them who's boss!  

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Address issues Not Fallacies

 The election is over although we are still seeing desperate court filings and unfortunately an ongoing dis-information campaign that seems designed to raise money.

We still have other problems which need attention.

The virus is almost unchecked in many parts of the country and while it appears vaccines are close we have the winter and spring to contend with.  Precautions need to be taken and it will always ultimately require individuals to take precautions.  Those who don't are public health hazards (also put themselves at risk but that's fine) and should be dealt with.

We are so odd sometimes.  A sign that says no shoes no service in beach areas is OK but a sign saying masks are required are not?  

The virus is at crises levels but climate change may have already passed that point.  It is not going to be easy to reverse and undo the damage already done.  It will be harder if the Senate remains uncooperative.

We also are seeing articles highlighting potential dissension among Democrats.  That is nothing new but these really need to play out in real life before anyone panics.

Iran and North Korea are unchecked and two of the biggest blunders of the last administration.  

The lame duck has decided to hibernate and encourage actions that are almost embarrassing in the courts.  

His lack of action is not surprising but we Americans suffer.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Americans Will Believe Almost Anything

 Over the years I have become more and more disenchanted with the state of Americans in general.

This is primarily related to their ability to understand simple concepts.

Early in my professional career I was working on some advertising contracts for Military recruitment.  The thing  that surprised me was that the contract stipulated that the ads had to be at the third grade reading level.  Well you are recruiting young men and it was explained that while many of them could read at higher levels than that many could not and they were a rich source for the recruiters.  I don't know what reading level they use now but I'm sure its not higher.

Of course many companies and even utilities added a college requirement, just some college in many cases.  I was told they did this because high schools were unreliable measures, some just passed everyone but performing in college was a better indicator.

As the years passed I had reason to look at college catalogs and realized that they all included remedial courses for reading and math that were required if you couldn't get a high enough score on entrance exams.  I just don't remember these existing in my college days, although they might have.

We have seen more and more of our fellow citizens buy into theories that really make no sense at all.  We have people thinking vaccines cause autism because of one crackpot scientist.  We believe that our rather ineffectual pubic servants are able to get together to form a complex conspiracy that actually runs things.

Do we still have people who think OJ was innocent?  

UFOs have managed to avoid all our high tech detection devices or their presence is covered up by our Government for some reason.  Before the Internet these sort of crazy stories were relegated to certain supermarket tabloids that were not in fact accurate.

I don't know if we are getting stupider over time or if our educational systems are at fault.  Our programs to equalize education may have simply leveled them off at the least common denominator.  no child left behind might really be no child can excel.

I have conversations with some people now where they buy into lies that are simply spread by media with no compunction.  The people spreading the lies almost certainly know better, but they get good ratings and make money.  Hell, the people buying into this stuff are an advertising gold mine.

Their gullibility quotient is off the charts unlike their reading level.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Simple People

There are certain things people tell children that are actually lies.

We tell them there is this elf who at the end of the year judges if they have been good or bad and brings them rewards.

We also tell them about a fairy who takes their baby teeth and leaves a reward.

There's also a bunny who once a year likes to bring candy and treats in the spring.

As children get older they "grow" out of these myths when they ae told they are not true or figure it out.

Still there is an inherent gullibility that stays with many of us which is evidenced by all sorts of superstitions and beliefs that last into adulthood in many cases.

A certain percentage of the population has recently taken to believing in conspiracy theories, such as the moon landing was faked or we have aliens at an Air Force base.

We can now add the massive voter fraud conspiracy.

It isn't there, it never was yet we seem to have millions who just believe it.

Of course this is being repeared over and over again by the President on the internet and repeated by his loyalists in the media, at least some of them.

With no other evidence at all, they just believe it.  I wonder if they ever got the word on Santa?

Monday, November 16, 2020

Whose Reality?

 It is amazing how we have peole viewing the same thing in completely different ways.  On one hand some people view things meant to protect them as Big Brother trying to run their lives.

Take financial reform.  Now this seems simple enough don't make bad loans guaranteed by the Government.  This of course leads to less people getting loans.  The people denied the loans don't see that as a good policy.  They see it as a way to keep them down.

Someone is keeping a lot of people down.  They have been told so by a New York neer do well real estate developer who comes across as one of them, although he never has been.

The "Deep State" is at fault and he is the savior.  Of course his efforts seem to benefit his friends mostly who be almost any account would represent "The Man".

Still didn't you see that tremendous tax cut!  Well it wasn't that much for you but his friends did a lot better.  Further yours is going to expire and theirs isn't but you might have got enough for a new applicane if you were lucky.  It was financed with deficit money but don't worry the new jobs will make up for it.  The jobs are coming, just trust me.

Its the same spiel that has worked for centuries.  

Sadly as silly as it seems, many simply believe this stuff.  If you argue with them you are the one out of touch.  You don't think it can last but there are plenty of countries that show it certainly can.

Look at how close the last electin was after four years of lies and failure to deliver.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Modern Know Nothings

 One of the questions that probably will never be answered is whether Trump is a cause or an effect.

Clearly he touched upon a certain current in the American political landscape that promotes what seems to be a authoritarian agenda, although it pretends to be about liberty.

One could argue that they are fighting big Government although there is very little evidence of that.  They seem to want to disenfranchise anyone who doesn't look like them.

We had a previous movement that was very similar in the 1800 called the know-nothing movement.  It is a bit of a historical footnote but maybe we need to understand it a bit better.

It was primarily opposed to immigration, especially at that time the immigration of Irish Catholics who were going to destroy our way of life.

Sound a bit familiar?

These immigrants were taking American jobs and serving as agents of the pope who was going to take over America.

The Irish were mostly coming because of the potato famine.

Of course now it is Mexicans or other Hispanics who threten our way of life.

The know nothings of the 1800s ran a candidate for President but lost. 

The point is that we have an ongoing problem in this country which has been long recognized in real estate, where the person moving in doesn't want future changes.  Of course the irony is that he/she is a change to what was there.

How long Trump will remain their leader after January is an open question.  His interest may fade especially if he gets distracted and he is easily distracted.

I guess he will milk every cent he can from them first.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Stop Counting its Over!

 I was watching the news about the protests planned in DC today and one of the Trump supporters was asked by a newsperson why did all the major networks and media think Biden won the election.  Her answer was that just because people believe a lie doesn't make it true.

Well exactly but she is believing the greatest liar of our time and traveled to DC to support his lie.

I find it a bit ironic.

I also wonder what they thinnk marching to stop the counting is going to do since the counting shows Biden won and is effectively over.

I think they are convinced that people who voted by mail are not legitimate.

Still its going to be a sunny if chilly day and they get to walk.  Unfortunately they also seem anti-mask, guess they think that's another lie they don't believe.

I think the counter protesters should agree with stoping the counting.

Biden has already won.

Friday, November 13, 2020

The Future is Coming

The issue that hurts Democrats a lot is the changing demographics of Government and the way people think about the future.  

There is a lot of underlying racism in America but not just the kind where you actively disseminate.  There are many people in this country who have problems thinking about a future America where whites are not dominant.

Of course the demographics show this is going to happen and while the projections are that non-Hispanic whites will be a minority in about 25 years.

The issue with this is that non-Hispanic part.  Of course being Asian or Black isn't really an issue, its just the way the numbers are portrayed.

For those who envisions a Norman Rockville idea of America, this seems troublesome.  Of course most of those people, or at least a good percentage of them won't still be around.

This "fear" that America is being invaded and destroyed is actually not a new one.  In fact if you consider the way it is phrased, non-English people seized the majority long ago.

It is not actually a problem, simply a statistic.  Still it is part of the white supremacist's credo and when you hear them chanting about how they won't be replaced they are referring to this statistic.

They are not going to be replaced simply ignored eventually.  In 25 years if you are still alive will possibly still be an issue but the non-whites aren't going to gang up on the whites.  

They will be playing Golf with the at the club.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Polls and Elections

 There is going to be a ton of analysis about this election, like there always is.

The polls showed some things that led to certain expectations.  Some didn't happen and others were a bit closer than expected.

While not to the extent predicted, the polls did generally get the presidential election right.  In both Texas and Florida they seemed off on predictions about Latino voting.

When all is said and done the eventual electoral colllege vote is going to be in the predicted range.

While the popular vote is pretty lopsided it is a little below the predicted level.

The biggest disappointments are in the down ballot races and the only conclusion I can come to is that we had more split ballots this year than usual.  More republicans who couldn't vote for Trump still supported the rest of the slate.

It should be noted, as the old saying points out, all politics are local.  So in each race the reasons for the outcome could simply be locl reasons.  

What is always important to remember is that polls are based on statistics.  You sample a few thousand people and extrapolate to millions.  In order to do that you make a lot of mathematical assumptions.  Assumptions don't vote, people do.  

When you have a candidate who is untraditional and divisive, I think it is very had to get those assumptions correct.  

Pollsters are effectively excellent mathematicians but people aren't as predictable as numbers are.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


 What we see happening now is the impact of a demagogue who has loyal followers and no sense of history or decency.

The election result is in and its not going to change.

What we are seeing are a series of meaningless lawsuits designed to drag the process out and go to a scenario where the election results are tossed.

This lawsuit strategy is not new to Trump, he has used it frequently and still uses it to hide his tax returns.

Unless there is actually something to make a case on it won't delay the results but its a bit despicable.

It is harmful t the country from the sense that it aims to delay the peaceful transition of power and might set back the new administration somewhat.

Of course what did we expect from a failed New York real estate developer who dodged the draft, sexually abused women, cheated on all of his wives, and is unable to tell the truth?

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Deplorable Factor

 When you consider why the last two presdential elections were somewhat missed by the pollsters I believe they fail to take into account the Trump effect.  

He claimed frequently last time that he was bringing people to the party that otherwise would not be there.  Now there are two types that are somewhat ignored by pollsters.  First the actual white supremacists' who often are not easily reachable by pollsters.  These are not shy trump supporters, more like hard to reach trump supporters.  The addition of a black women vice presidential candidate energized this group to show up and vote.

Another group that get miscounted are what might be described as shy trump supporters.  These are people, generally men, who are afraid to say publicly who they support.  Possibly they live with a more progressive wife who sees trump for the misogynist pig that he is.  He can agree with her in public (including polls) but we do have secret ballots.

What is undetermined is whether these voters will support regular republicans if Trump isn't a factor.

In 2018 when he waan't on the ballot many of them didn't care enough to vote.

Of course as we saw this year, unlike 2016 he brings out plenty of voters who detest him as well.

Still I think 2018 is a better measure of the results if we don't have the trump factor.

Will republicans continue to espouse his beliefs is a big question.

That remains to be seen.

Monday, November 9, 2020

More Democracy and Faster

 In four years we wil be doing this again and there is a chance, whatever it may be that we will have to deal with orange head again.

The odds of that are what they are and lots could happen but if he keeps tweeting he will still his followers.

However he may have other issues to deal with.

We should try to fix the electoral process, not becasuse it gives wrong results but because it could be a lot faster.

The States that don't precess mail in ballots until the day of the election should change that.

Early voting should be encouraged and made easier.

I would be in favor of an on-line voting system but I realize that would possibly have too many people convinced there would be fraud.

Of course the election should be based on the national popular vote, not this electoral college system that was designed to protect slavery.  There are ways to do that but it isn't goiing to just happen.

You have to want democracty which many really don't.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Time to Get Back to America, Land of the Free

The current president has entered lame duck status.

It fits.

The point however is to ignore him as much as possible.

There are, let me call them real republicans and then there are people who simply like Trump.

They take different positions from Democrats on certain issues, but generally they are not lets say overly racist or white supremacists'. They probably are somewhat but they manage to suppress the darkest aspects of it.

However they are willing to tolerate the extremists in order to get some policies they want.

\Some are anti abortion for religious reasons others are anti-immigrant because they have been convinced they cost them money (studies show otherwise).

Some of the things they believe in, like smaller government requires an underlying belief that helping others is an individual choice and not a societal one.

Then there are the ones that are properly considered deplorable, not because they supported Trump but because they espouse beliefs that are misogynistic, racist and a few other isms.

In general they don't care about the other issues except immigration.

They think minorities are going to replace them and instead of trying to have more children they want to suppress them.  

There are valid predictions that in a certain period of time the number of "white" people will be exceeded by the number of "brown" people.  However, as is easily observable your origin is very instructive of anything.  We have a number of Republican senators from Hispanic backgrounds who are every bit as racist as their white counterparts.  

Assuming the rest of the dog whistle republicans slow down, these people will soon lose interest in things like tax rates or deficit reduction.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Make the Call!

If you have been following the election there is only one logical conclusion, Biden has won.

The result was called by Decision Desk but the major networks are not following suit.

However while there is still a mathematical chance, nearly non-existent but still there, they are waiting.  however everyone who isn't blinded by partisanship, knows the outcome.

The lead in Pennsylvania is growing larger and larger and there is no real possibility that votes will be found to turn it around.  

Similarly Nevada is clearly decided even if they count slowly.

Georgia is also pretty clear although it is possibly the one most likely to reverse.

Arizona has been called by two of the major players and it looks like they were right (the Math is clear).

What is even more significant is that the cominations for a Biden victory at this point are multiple while there is no real path for Trump.

Its time that the networks call the obvious and stop being afraid of being called fake news.

Not calling the obvious is as fake as it gets.


Friday, November 6, 2020

Everyone Needs to Breathe

 The talking Pumpkin went on national TV and made allegations of voter fraud without any actual proof.

Apparently he doesn't trust local Republicans who have been observing the process and would prefer sending in his Proud Boys with guns to make sure things go his way.

They aren't and since he can see how the count and math are going we aren't going to see the Sequel, Pumpkin Head II.

For the next few weeks we will see him squirming about filing legal challenges left and far right but we all know the vote was fair and the count honest.

Well I guess some don't believe that but the deep internet conspiracies will continue to claim nefarious doiings.

In this world we rely on honest people to do their job.

This cynicism is probably the bane of this generation while racism dominates older white Americans..

I have high expectations that the next administration can bring some sanity back.

We all need a dose of it.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Count, Of Course

 It is customary in this country that votes are counted by or in front of people from both of the major parties.  Legal votes are votes cast on or before election day by citizens.  When they arrive and get countered varies by state but after election day no one can vote.

So for an elected official to say stop the voting is meaningless.  It has stopped.  If you appoint someone to destroy the postal service you probably shouldn't complain about its performance.  The votes have to arrive, be examined and get counted.

This election will come to an end, maybe today, but the legal wrangling's may continue, although none of them seem likely to impact anything significant.  It certainly looks like we have elected a new president and the old one is refusing to accept it gracefully.

Well being the toddler he is, that's no surprise.

When the election is over states should look at their procedures and pass laws to use successful practices from other states.  Lets make this process better while its fresh in our minds.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Election Blues

 Well now we wait while all the votes are counted.  The states we are waiting on are no real surprise since they were targeted from the beginning.

There are also archaic laws to deal with and we already know that the process will be challenged and probably delayed by court challenges.

Pennsylvania is going to take awhile, since they couldn't start to process mail in ballots until election day itself.  Election day was consumed by dealing with the in person voters.

Right now the election is still very much up for grabs as because of the method of processing votes, the mail in ballots are generally processed last.

It doesn't have to be this way but unfortunately it is and for now we just have to wait.

Its likely, although not certain, that the northern states will turn blue and maybe even Georgia.

If so Biden will win.  If not we have another four years of tweetstormer.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Election Day

 Its election day although so many votes have already been cast or mailed that it is more like counting day.

It is of course posssible in our system that the candidate with the most votes will not win.

it is also possible that it may take longer than usual to determine a winner.

Voting should be convenient and easy for all.

We can clearly see that not allciriazens are treated the same.

We should be able to do better.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Like Upset Toddlers

 I've seen things that just seemed stupid to me but the last weekend it seems that some Trump supporters decided to be disruptive and block traffic or harass a Biden Campaign bus.

Now some of this is protected by free speech although the potential damage in Texas is not but are they doing it to demonstrate how boorish they can be?

If they are going for name recognition, I think its not needed.  If they want to parade in cars or boats or even on foot, that's fine.  However jamming up traffic and causing havoc isn't going to win support for their cause.

Maybe its an attempt to suppress voters trying to demonstrate that they can cause issues on Election day?

Its not going to have any real impact.

Its sort of like the fact that the rallies draw people.  Big rallies are hardly as effective as a television ad in reaching voters.  

Just a place for the misinformed to gather and hear more disinformation.


Sunday, November 1, 2020

Its Not a Hoax

People were asked to wear masks in public and social distance.  Failure to do those simple things would result in additional virus deaths.

We have reached new levels, worse than we had previously, at least nationally.  

It didn't fade away or become harmless, it is raging across the states that didn't believe they were at risk.

I sometimes wonder if we, as a country, have lost common sense?

We have lost respect for science even in our Government.  Scientists aren't making these things up.

Sometimes the latest evidence changes a previous theory.  However that is not as common as some would like you to believe.  It is possible that newly discovered evidence may tell us that there used to be water on the Moon, we are not going to find that Climate Change is not caused by man.  One is at best speculative and distant and the other is all around us.

Wear a mask, wash your hands, stay socially distanced and stay away from large groups for both your safety and the safety of those you love.

Its not hard and the alternative can be deadly.