Thursday, January 7, 2021

A Day of Infamy? Thanks Lame Ass

 After the Georgia elections on Tuesday I was hoping for a view into the congressional machinery as the joint session was going to certify the election for Biden.

Sure we had those reckless Representatives who were currying favor with the Trump goons and there was going to be demonstrators in the streets but assuming a fairly typical day in the Capital the delay was only going to be an annoyance.

However after our President went out and fired up the crowd they took his command and marched to the Capitol where they lost control.

Now some right wing news is trying to claim that the group was infiltrated by Antifa who were guilty of the violence.  Just because there is no evidence to support that accusation means nothing to thee lie spreaders.  If in fact that happened could you produce even a shred of evidence?

When you cater to white nationalists groups like the Proud Boys among others you have plenty of violent people already, you don't need some imaginary leftists.

The scenes that the whole world got to see were hopefully the last disgraceful ones of this administration.  

One person was shot and killed three others died of medical emergencies and many others suffered injuries.  

The people who believe what this president says are in many ways the real victims if willing ones.

Still as troublesome as the scenes were and as disgraceful as this period in our history has been, the Congress stood up for our values and finished the job.

Even our lame ass seems to have got the message, but will it stick?

Still if you are going to make a living by lying about things and fabricating ridiculous theories this is what you get.

It started as a disgrace but in the end we stayed true to the constitution and certified the electoral college.

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