Friday, January 15, 2021

Best path Forward

 Some people are blinded by hate and wont accept any truth that contradicts that hate.  Unfortunately a fairly large group of Americans are under the belief that certain people are trying to "steal" America from them.

The fact that they never owned America but merely enjoyed the privilege of living here is not part of their belief system.  They feel entitled to be American and also white.

Now white Americans, however you define that were important in the devolopment of this country.  So also were black Americans, Chinese Americans and Spanish Americans

In fact everyone who came here was instrumental.

Some of the things they did were pretty awful, such as how we treated the native Americans.  It certainly doesn't mean they didn't do good things also.

We also had a rebellion to continue the vile practice of slavery.  That might never have really ended.  Some are still trying to win it.

Some of these people have put their hopes in Trump who is bound to disappoint them.  He is after all a documented coward who acts like a bully.  He also doesn't care for America really while some of you do, although a America with different values.

In a land of justice and freedom you only want biased justice and your freedom.

Some of you are veterans and while I thank you for your service that doesn't excuse spreading sedition.

Hitler was after all a German war veteran as were many of his crew.

Respect the rule of law and respect you fellow Americans.  Its our best path forward.

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