Monday, January 25, 2021

Throwing a Delay Into the Process

 It takes two to cooperate and we are seeing signs that cooperation is not that likely.

Currently we see in the organizing rules discussions an attempt by the Republicans to add a guarantee about the filibuster being continued for the next two years.

Clearly they hope that in two years they can win back the senate and make a unilateral decision.

The filibuster has never been part of the organizing rules before and to include such a guarantee would tie their hands if the Republicans get recalcitrant.

Don't fall for it.  Its a fairly clever maneuver but it is not something that the Democrats should include.

The filibuster is an anachronism that has been turned into a convenient way to hold up legislation. 

The country needs a legislature that can get things done not one deadlocked for more years.

Whether the filibuster stays or not is a decision that isn't part of the organizing rules.

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