Sunday, January 10, 2021


There is of course a certain amount of corruption among Government officials, after all they are Humans.  It is clearly something we would like to root out, but it is not pervasive to the point that public officials are untrustworthy.

In the Federal and State Governments there is likely more waste than actual corruption.  Much of this is introduced by politicians who generally are significantly more corrupt than Government officials.  After all politicians have to keep getting re-elected which means they are constantly raising money and money is after all the great corrupter.

The idea that there is a conspiracy among Government officials is ludicrous on the fact of tit since we are talking about tremendous coordination that would be easily uncovered.  

That you do have is a certain degree of inertial.  Public official work off what you could call manuals or directives which are based on the laws that have been passed over centuries.  So the real dep state are these regulations that require changes in the law followed by updates to every regulation impacted.

Very benign things can take months.

This inertial is not political, it impacts everything.  

Think of it as a very big rock rolling down a hill.  It is likely to keep rolling and trying change it takes a bit of time and patience.

Its the business of Government and it can be very effective at times.  It just doesn't change easily.

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