Sunday, January 24, 2021

Gullibility to Big Lies

Some things are real and others are not but in today's world we have more confusion than ever about which is which.

For example the people who stormed the Capitol were Trump supporters.  However some would like to say they were actually radical leftists trying to make theex-President look bad.  Thre is no evidence that anyone would believe that the second scenario is true, but some still maintain it and many semi-delusional people believe it.

The widespread availability of the internet led to various "nutjobs" able to argue ridiculous postions which contradict the facts.  Despite the fact that the entire scientific and medical community around the world is trying to combat the Pandemic we have people arguing its all a hoax.

Its fairly easy to do if you accept that reality or at least reports of it can be distorted.

You really can't disprove these alternate realities but that doesn't make them true.  If all the evidence supports the reality version, that is only because the hoaxers are so good.

This relies on a public that at least in part accepts that people want to deceive them. Of course that is true, but who are the deceivers?  

The vast majority of people in authority are npt trying to deceive you.  If you think they ask yourself why? If that answer requires elaborate theory  conspiracies, think further. 

Most of the time things are what they seem.

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