Friday, January 22, 2021

Goals are Clear

 It is so unusual after the last 4 years to see a plan, an actual plan, rolled out on how to overcome our current crisis.

Of course we see certain media outlets go on some sort of attack attributing things that never happened and don't exist.

The people elected to govern this country, whatever party, need to focus on achieving certain outcomes.

Ending the virus is the number one issue.

We need to roll out the vaccines as soon as possible and continue to wear protective gear.

Stimulating the economy via payments to those most affected can help to restore the economy or at least keep it afloat.

Getting things back to normal or a new normal can follow.

We still need to address other major problems including Climate Change and income inequality.

There will be some differences of opinion on the best methods and the speed but a bipartisan solution does not include not progressing.

If we see the opposition party do nothing but try to turn solutions into political issues, we will end up without progress.  Bipartisan does not mean abandonment of goals, it means amending those goals or the methods used to achieve them.

Its clear that at least right now many Republicans are going to obstruct instead of contribute.

They need to think about the needs of the country.

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