Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Happy Day But Be Cautious!

 This is the day many of us have been waiting 4 years for, the end of the Trump idiocy and the return of some normalcy.

The next few years will be critical since the one thing holding the Democratic party together was the desire to get rid of Trump.  Its been a theme since the primaries and it is now a reality.

Joe Biden is a moderate and that puts him in the mainstream of American politics.  Some of the more progressive members of the party will want him to adopt stronger policies but that is normal.  In two years we will get a sense of both the Democratic party and the nation. 

Republicans are faced with similar problems and we may be seeing a potential fracture in their ranks between those who would prefer an autocrat and those who believe in democracy.

There are specific issues with Evangelical Christians or any Evangelical group that believes we have to follow the will of God.  That is not a commitment to a democratic ideal as it paints everything as black and white. 

That is not our tradition and we need to keep it from becoming one.  In the Europe that existed before the French Revolution you had the divine rights of Kings who got their authority from God.  You had no choice but to believe what they believed or flee.

Many of our early settlers fled from that very system which is why freedom of religion and the separation of Church and State is an important concept.  We can't let that change so we can remain a free and democratic nation and not some version of Iran.

Its one of most important founding principles. 

Tomorrow is the first day of the return of normalcy where a very religious man, compare certainly to Trump, can keep that separation for all of us, religious or not.

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