Saturday, January 16, 2021

Problems Areas

 Unfortunately the legacy of this last administration is going to live on and the legacy is not a good one.

Simply put we are further behind economically, militarily, and health wise than we were 4 years ago.

We hav greatly increased the National Debt and while some of it was due to the Pandemic, it was going up before that as we gave the rich tax breaks and spent money on a border wall instead of productive infrastructure projects.  There are people who think stopping immigration is somehow good for the country but economically they provide a cheap form of labor and they help to lower the average age, both good things.  We have a lot of people working in the gig economy as we have seen corporations jettison their benefit packages to increase profits.

The risks around the world are worse than they were as we see our enemies resume or speed up their military build ups and while we have spent more money than ever, it was spent on complex weapons that while the best ever are better at generating profits than winning modern wars.  Clearly there is a lot to fix.

Th attack on the Affordable Care Act hasn't been resolved.  women's health care and personal choice has been under attack and we have the worst managed Pandemic in the world.  That is the new administrations priority as we need to ensure the safety of the people to attack the other problems.

America will come out of this, it is a rich country with resources and a talented population.  However how quickly depends on leadership which has been absent.  

That is changing.

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