Friday, January 8, 2021

Tell the Truth Everybody!

 After a few months of turmoil we saw the eruption of lies and propaganda tragically unfold on the 6th.

The President is ultimately responsible but lets not forget the other players who promoted his lies either for re-election, ratings or profit.

Americans need honest sources, and they have them.  Of course the dishonest sources claim they ignore certain stories or aspects of stories that are promoted in right wing nonsense.

Taking a conservative point of view is fine as long as it isn't clearly a falsehood.  Some conservative commentators completely ignore facts in order to appeal to their audience.

Story after story they run with are either totally lies or tremendous embellishments of a few scattered facts.

Currently I see "conservative" law makers continue to talk about voter fraud as if it is a real problem.

We certainly shouldn't let it become one, but it hasn't been, at least not in the modern error.  The best example they ever come up with is the 1960 election in Illinois.  Chicago had a strong political machine led by Richard Daley but he didn't do a lot of what he is accuse of.  Even if he did, we don't have the same situation today.

What we have today is voter suppression, using voter fraud as an excuse.  Lets call it what it is, Jim Crow in disguise.

Lying is problematic and while we have fact checking sites, many people have been convinced there is a giant left wing conspiracy.  So if you can't trust respected names in journalism and can't trust the people checking on them, you believe almost anything.

Stop the lies.  In 2016 when a candidate started breaking all the rules and telling lies, we shouldn't have accepted it.  We also shouldn't pretend its the same for all politicians.  Too often I see "journalists" try to even out their stories to appear unbiased.  Write the truth and you can't really go wrong in the long rusn

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