Sunday, January 3, 2021

Radical Parties

 At this point its pretty obvious that many Republicans are willing to ignore their oaths of office just to cater to people who support Trump and get past a future primary challenge.

Whether this is a good political strategy or not depends on future events but it is clearly a good sign that they have almost no ethics.

It is time to rethink our two party system.

In many ways it would be more honest to have more parties that form alliances than to have two parties that roll in distinct groups.

The Republican and Democratic parties still largely include many moderates although more and more of them are declaring as independents.

This takes them out of the decision process for whom the candidates will be.

This allows a parties primaries to be dominated by people on the edge, not in the middle.

The candidates we produce, especially it seems on the Republican side are not truly representative of most Americans who are moderates.

The Democrats this year were able to nominate a moderate but that is the exception nowadays.

The incoming administration is forming a Government more in the parliamentary way.

Its certainly more inclusive.

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