Wednesday, January 27, 2021

One Week In

 A lot has been accomplished in just one week but so far it has been by executive order since the Congress, especially the Senate has yet to get to work.

The attacks on the administration are gearing up and we see all sorts of trial baloons about things they never said, don't plan to do or probably even think about.

The world we now live in requires individuals to discern what is true and what isn't and our track record indicates not everybody is up to the task.

I'm not talking about group think, each person should have access to facts without bias and make decisions.

Yesterday in a show of ignorance, we hd 45 Republican senators displayit wen they said the current Impeachment was unconstitutional.  This sets up their plan to vote against it at the trial despite the fact that he was clearly guilty of the accusations.  There is not any legitimate way to read the Constitution that way nor does the precedent support it, but is a show of party loyalty and ignorance we had 45 votes.

I am of course curious about what is happening to the Republican party, they seem to be emulating what went on in Nazi Germany even though their Fuhrer has left the building.  Maybe party censures are more common than I thought and these are just covered more.

Someone should tell them that the Trump Insurrection and Lies show has been cancelled.  

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