Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Scattergun Approach

 You hear Republicans and others point out that 74 million people voted for Trump.  Of course more importantly 81 million voted for Biden.

They argue that Bden cannot ignore those voters and in fact he isn't  He wants to be everybody's president.  

It should be noted that in 2016 Hillary Clinton get 65 million votes, three million more than Trump and I don't remember much concern about them from Republicans?

Its also unknown how many of them are actually part of his cult. Certainly not all of them. Not all of them were even registered Republicans.  

Its hard to know for sure how many are actually "real" supporters of Trump versus how many are simply Republicans who vote the ticket.  

So having voted for Trump does not mean you believe his lies.  Of course a good number do.

I don't understand how you can believe a liar with no evidence over every bit of objective evidence that exists?  Now we do have the media that lies for profit.  Right now we are seeing them try to find something akin to the Clinton e-mails to use as an attack.  They tried to use Hunter but that came up short, but they will keep trying.

It reminds me of an old party strategy I heard about but never tried.  Try to make out with every girl there until one does.  Before that you will take abuse and possibly get smacked in the face, but you really just need to find one.

That's the approach Fox takes, try everything until you find one that polls well.

The truth is not important.

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