Monday, January 11, 2021

Its A Crying Shame

 What is maybe the scariest part of our current situation is that people who have good educations continue to argue things that are essentially insane.

There is no deep state conspiracy, the idea of it is simply ridiculous.  It implies that some group is actually able to run things while remaining unelected and hidden.  It relies on a premise that can't be proven wrong, becasue it is a logical dead end.  They are so powerful that they can hide their existence.  Not finding them is the proof of their existence.

We, as a country seem prone to believing such conspiracy theories and of course some of this is based on our free speech.  you can see how having controversial topics and wild theories can be interesting.  The fact that they are clearly false and often provably so,  is countered by throwing everything into doubt.

Accusing the "other" side of lying makes your lies as valid as their truths.  

Many of us delude ourselves because we don't want to act like adults and realize we are often at fault for our own troubles. 

Its fairly easy but also sad that you can usually get very uninformed opinions by talking to "regular" Americans at certain events.  Trump rallies which promote a lot of lies are good examples.

Their answers make me laugh because there isn't really much else to do when they are convinced Jesus spoke American and Trump is all knowing.

I guess you could cry instead.

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