Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Disunity News if Struggling

 Since it was founded the only real thing that you can say about "FOX News" is that they loved to attack liberals and Democrats.  Once in a while it was valid but that wasn't any criteria at all.  As long as they could attract viewers the only holds barred were ones that could be litigated.

They also had a sexual predator running the channel but that is sort of besides the point.  They were willing to spew any lies they could if it appealed to their base.  

They benefitted greatly from our policy on Free Speech and attracted a dream audience from advertiser's point of view, gullible types who believed all sorts of nonsense.

So be it.  We do have free speech and if you were gullible enough to fall for their lies it was sort of on you.

The last four years was their golden period where we had a President who lied so much even they had trouble keeping up and he lambasted the legitimate media.  Good times!

Now they are face with a President who doesn't promote them and who is actually so moderate and well known that they have issues attacking him.  They attacked his adult son, who may have shown poor judgement although not criminal but that went no where.

They are desperate for an issue to attack to increase viewership, which has already started to sink.

Election Fraud didn't work as well as they hoped so now they are crying about disunity.

They are clearly in favor of disunity but now they want the new administration to bend over backwards if they want unity.

So much whining its hard to ignore.

No one cares.  If you are simply going to become a rabid dog biting out are every policy so be it.

You have the right to be self-destructive.

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