Thursday, January 14, 2021

Presidential Apprentice - You're Fired!

 Its pretty common in Corporate America to make fired employees leave immediately.  Experience has shown them that a certain number will be angry and upset and ready to strike back.  They don't let them

We generally expect our President's to be men or women of integrity.  Partly for that reason but also because there were at one time significant time required to process election results and allow all parties a fir time to raise objections.

For the first time we have seen person of low integrity and moral depravity that they refused to accept the results of a fair and honest election and instead tried to stay in office illegally.  The result of this was an ugly scene in our nations Capitol that led to some deaths and a National Disgrace.

While there is only a week to go America needs him to pack up his belongings and get escorted out by a security person.

Its fitting that this be his final scene.  It was how they ended each episode of his show.

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