Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Short Sighted

 There are still a fair amount of people in this country who believe the Presidential election was somehow rigged.  There is no real evidence of this and not much fictional evidence.

Still the belief persists because it has been repeated so much.

All indications are that the last election was one of the cleanest in history.  What was slightly different about it was the fact that because of the Pandemic, some effort was made to increase voting accessibility

There is a simple fact in this country.  The more minority voters that vote, the better it is for Democrats.

Certainly not all minority voters vote Democratic, but generally the majority of them do.

This group has been growing while traditional Republican groups have been on the decline..

So Republicans could become more open and win over the votes they will need to stay relevant.

Or, and this is what they did, suppress those votes as much as possible to maintain power for as long as they can.

You can only suppress votes for so long but they keep trying.

If you don't want citizens to vote, you have to make up false fraud stories to suppress them.

Not a long term policy.

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