Friday, January 29, 2021

Liars and Scoundrels

 After he lost the election the prior President and his minions refusd to accept the results and lied continuously to the American people about election fraud.  There was no significant fraud and that is proven by the fact that no one has uncovered any to the public or to a court.

This convinced a certain portion of the electorate to believe the election was stolen although no evidence of that exists.

More interestingly that group includes a many Republicans and because of that and to curry favor with these Trump loyalists, a certain number of elected officials decided to perpetuate this lie.

I imagine a very small number of them believed it, its hard to imagine but some seem gullible enough.

The rest knew it was a lie and in order to avoid being primaried or to get those votes in the future, they simply continued to question the election when they knew better.

This is obviously unethical eve if it is politically expedient.  

This ultimately led to the rally on Jan 6 which led to the storming of the Capitol.

Now the former President should be held accountable but what about the other liars?

Is it now OK to behave so unethically for political gain?

The American people will have to decide and the vast majority are ethical and patriotic.  Of course they have been lied to and the liars are objecting when their behavior is pointed out.

If you play with fire you might get burnt and you actually deserve it.

Getting called out as a liar and a scoundrel is simply what you deserve.

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