Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Yelling Fraud When None Exists

 There is one week left before Biden gets sworn in as President and the current occupant continues his assault on our values and the constitution.

There is an old concept that freedom of speech does no include yelling fire in a crowed movie when there is none.  It becomes a dangerous thing as people will react and attempt to flee potentially causing harm to each other.

I would argue that yelling fraud in a divided country is just as bad when no fraud exists.

And, as shown by the courts, none does.

When they interview Trump supporters they act like no one has looked at the evidence.  Thee is no evidence.  There are a few phony allegations and some twisted facts.

If the argument they want to make is that you can't prove fraud didn't happen, the answer is yes we can and we did.

When you do a recount and come up with the same number effectively you have proven that the votes were cast legally and counted properly.

Now you may want to argue that some changes were made due to covid in some states, but none of those changes would result in fraud.

The right to vote is on of our most important and trying to take it away form people is deplorable.

No fraud so saying there is and causing a riot is like yelling fire in a crowed theatre.

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