Friday, January 1, 2021

Attacking the People

 With all of the lawsuits, money spent and thousands of people trying to prove there was significant election fraud, they came up with nothing.

They have compiled some BS statistical information that doesn't prove their point but is complex enough that gullible people won't read or understand it.

It doesn't stand up to any scrutiny at all.

What is probably more significant is that every recount, where the actual ballots were counted, the results didn't change.

So now they want to argue that some states didn't technically follow their own regulations which even if true wouldn't result in different numbers had they not adjusted for the coronavirus.

But that isn't even true.

Our Democracy is dependent on people voting.  If a citizen votes it should count.  Massive attempts to not count votes cast for you opponent is despicable and un-American.

So they want to throw out millions of votes and let some politicians decide.

The fact that a large number of elected Republicans in the House and some in the Senate are even considering such a thing is an attack on Democracy and our Constitution.

Its an attack on the people.

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