Monday, January 18, 2021

Make The Dream Reality

 Today we should be celebrating a leader who stood up for freedom and the rights of all to live equally in America.

He never achieved his dream and he was killed by a hater who couldn't tolerate the idea.

We know that while in many ways things are better, the hate continues.

In two days one of th haters will leave office.

He should never have been elected and it is shameful that someone like him get the votes he did.

His lack of character was always obvious and he won a very narrow victory, but the fact that he was close enough to succeed and that he almost repeated is a stain upon America.

We have let politics degenerate into hateful attacks which have no merit.

Hillary Clinton did none of the things she was accused of, except being married to a husband who strayed.

Its a good day t reflect on ourselves and the nature of our character.

Emulate the morally great, not the worst of us.

Martin Luther King faced injustice his entire life and still dreamed of better times.

Lets all do the same.

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