Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Fooling the People Much of the Time

 So when I read the articles about the fantasies still being promoted and which have now permeated our news media as if they are routing I realize this is what has been happening to our country for a while now.

Items which used to be laughable by any educated person are now sort of accepted by many.

Its not a new phenomena, its the big lie technique that has been used by many dictators, but in a country with a free press it isn't supposed to work.

It wasn't fully effective, but when I read that a newspaper in Georgia can't find a single Republican who thinks the election was fair I'm flabbergasted at the gullibility.

Georgia has been a Republican dominated state for many years and most of its leadership are Republicans who generally supported the President.

Why would they fix the election for Biden?

There are deeper issues the South and the rest of the country may have to deal with concerning what happens when more voters vote.

They have maintained control since the civil war using various types of voter suppression.

This time because of some relaxed voting methods and the efforts of Democratic organizations they turned out the minority voters.

Still, as difficult as that might be for white republicans to accept, its something a reasonable person can understand.

Apparently a lie told often enough with conviction, no matter how absurd, gets believed by some.

But every Republican in Georgia?

This was Abe's party and he didn't think you could fool all of the people all of the time.

Hope he was right.

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