Monday, January 4, 2021

Scoundrels and Scalawags

Does it really matter if a plot to overthrow he duly elected Government of the United States fails, isn't it still a crime?

We have a significant number o people trying to do just that and worst thing is they are elected officials.

Now voicing a legitimate objection at the appropriate time is fine, but when we hear the leader asking a State Official to "find" votes and representatives and senators who clearly should know better by now voicing ridiculous objections just to appeal to a crowd that can't seem to add very well, that different.

It is playing a game and the game is being played with our constitution.

There is no chance of it being successful but does that really matter?

Its a conspiracy to overturn a valid election, which wasn't even really close.

Of course we have a convoluted system where the electoral college doesn't always agree with the popular vote which should be fixed, but in this case they do, at least to the extent that both indicate the same person.

Last time they didn't, we got the current gangster because of a few states that counted for more than they should have.

We had deal with a deviant bully who lost the popular vote by a real landslide.

Now he still lost that and has also lost the electoral college.

Tose going along with his baseless claims, as proven in many courts already, are scoundrels and probably scalawags as well.

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