Sunday, January 17, 2021

You Did the Crime, Do the Time

 You spend a lot of time sitting on your sofa watching FOX news or trolling other "conservative" web sites you have a very distorted vision of the world.  The conspiracies and attacks on America are not happening and almost certainly the Government is at least partially subsidizing your lifestyle.

The fact that they told you over and over again that most Americans agreed with you and they only needed an opportunity to overthrow their oppressors and fix the country.  Well when you went out into the daylight you found that yes you could find a crowd of similar thinkers, much like those Trump rallies, but a crowd of 10 or 20 thousand is not representative of America.  Its just a bunch of deluded people.

The number of lies you have been fed is far too many to recount here. but there is no conspiracy by Democrats or Liberals to adopt fascism and take away your rights and your guns.  It just doesn't exist.

Antifa is not really an organization let alone a terrorist one.  It is more like a political concept that opposes the oppression you think they support.

There are pedophiles but they are not restricted to a particular political party or any party at all.  I have no way of knowing but what evidence exists shows it is non-political in general.

American can be members of any political party they want, it doesn't define their morality or ethic the way you have been told.  you know how you were told the liberal media was always lying to you?  Well the lies were really on the other media.

Now as you are being rounded up you are turning into the wimpy babies you said the other side was.

This isn't anybody else's crime, it is yours and you will be punished.  The golden ticket of a pardon isn't coming because your fearless leader is too worried about himself to bother.  

Remember how he was going to be at the Capitol with you.  He lied about that, just one of many.

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