Saturday, January 2, 2021

A New Year

Does 2021 seem better yet?

Still have record number of Covid cases, inefficient planning by the Trump administration and ongoing efforts (silly as they may be) attempts to overturn it.

I guess we should allow a couple of months to see the improvement, 2020 really went off the rails in March/April.

That's probably a more naturel way since the fact that our year starts in January is pretty arbitrary.

It seems naturel to us but really the end of winter and beginning of Spring is more in tune wit nature.

Still this is the week that the silly electoral college challenges should come to an end.

On the 6th or 7th the votes will be officially awarded to Jpe Biden.

Still will be two weeks until he actually takes over.

Need to update to today's speed and not the 18th century ones.

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