Saturday, April 24, 2021

Blended Culture

 Generally people use the term cancel culture to refer to cancelling out a particular person because of an action, such as engaging in sexual abuse or racial animus.

It also reverberates with certain white nationalist groups who think it is the war against them.

White nationalist have based a movement around a statistical fact but a fantasy result.

Demographics show that "white" people will not represent the majority of Americans soon.  If fact depending on how you define them it has already happened.  That is a statistical fact.

What does it mean?  Well after the revolution most of the colonies were populated by people from Europe with a majority from England.  Of course there were significant numbers of Black people here as slaves as well.  Most immigration over the next 100 years reduced the percentage of  English from a clear majority to a plurality while first other northern Europeans, than Southern and Eastern Europeans as well as a significant Asian influx as workers.  

So the country was never purely Anglo Saxon and some of those populations were considered inferior by people already here.  However after a generation or two they became American.  Of course some have clear identifiers in their physical appearance so they became the non-white.

Our original culture wasn't cancelled, it was expanded.  Now we have an influx of immigrants from altin America and they are viewed as non-white.

History and common sense tell us this will all blend into a diverse future with a evolved culture.  

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