Saturday, April 3, 2021

People Need Better Info.

 We live in a world where people draw conclusion before they know the facts.  Anything Trump did was either bad or good depending on your party.  It didn't matter what the facts were only what your party wanted you to believe.

Now that is pretty wide sweeping and it isn't true about everyone but it seemed to be true for far too many.

Now the more outlandish claims seem to come from the Republicans but I'm sure they disagree.  The facts don't support the claims of massive voter fraud but many still believe that's only a cover up.  Its hard to match the outlandish claims with anything from the Democrats unless of course you believe the Republican stuff in which case the Democrats would be the outlandish ones.

We also live in an age where a rumor, despite being untrue, can go viral and ruin a person or at lest their career. In 2016 Hillary Clinton had a distinguished career, tremendous achievements and addressed the issues sanely.  However her unfavourability ratings were close to her opponent's who was a promiscuous, scandal plagued reality TV star. 

This was because of the rumors spread by right wing media about her.  

Its up to the American people to make up their minds based on fatual data or the system produces bad results.  Before you accept claims try to verify them.

It might be surprising and the system will get better.

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