Friday, April 9, 2021

He Played Second Fiddle Well

 Prince Phillip died today and while it isn't really unexpected, it starts the start of a change in the British monarchy.

Why any American cares is a question but I guess we just have a connection to England that we don't have with any other country, although everything since the Louisiana Purchase was never part of their empire.

I don't know if this has been continuous since the revolution or if it has ebbed and flowed over the years.

Certainly some wealthy people clearly considered England part of their social world although not most of the country.

I looking back, the whole period was essentially dominated by Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth although there were other monarchs.

Well his death means almost nothing to me really but I sort of feel bad he didn't make it to 100.

His main claim to fame was he didn't cause much trouble, which in some ways is enough.

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