Sunday, April 18, 2021

Freedom Is Inefficient?

 I was watching a show last night in which the host was complaining how China can do things cheaper and faster than we can.  

There are some examples that seem to indicate this but of course details coming out of China is often unreliable. 

Still China has one advantage we don't, lack of freedom.

China has a central Government which couldn't care  at all about individual freedom.  We have a Government that does and further we have a country divided into 50 states.

So yes they can build high speed rail on instant hospitals and by the way if they tell you to wear a mask and you don't they arrest you or at the least fine you.

Look at the pipeline from Canada that has been on again, off again as the politics change.  In China it would likely have been built already without concern for local populations or environmental issues.

Perhaps the price for freedom is some inefficiency.

Still seems better.

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